Too Much Information

Picture me, in lockdown, giving a Zoom presentation to a networking group. 7.45am and I was ready and raring to go, until everything went wrong.  Long story short… I ended sitting on my daughter’s chair, half a metre off the ground, in front of a radiator which I couldn’t turn off, unable to see anyone, hear anything.

Now normally on occasions such as these, I’d scream for my more technically minded husband to help me out.  But of course, I’d banished him from the house (along with the kids) as I “couldn’t be disturbed.”

I know I’m digressing here, so I’ll stop.

I must have done ok, despite my misfortunes, as photographer, Kathryn Fell contacted me for a virtual coffee date.  We hit it off immediately and she asked me to help her write content for her new website, well both of them, in fact.

A bit of background… Kathryn had been running a successful family photography business for 10 years but wanted to diversify and make the most of her marketing roots.  She’d decided to build a new website for the family, wedding and lifestyle arm of her business and create a website within a website focusing on her brand photography and commercial services.

I’m sure Kathryn won’t mind me saying this as she says it herself, but she loves to talk.  And unlike lots of people, she knows exactly what she wants to say.

Consequently, she had WAY too much information for every page on her site and little need for any FAQ’s as she’d kindly answered everything anyone could ever need to know.   Trouble was, that because of this, her fantastic personality and brilliant sense of humour just couldn’t get through.  She could have been any photographer, but she isn’t.

Kathryn’s hilarious.  She has a wicked sense of humour and a big heart.  She’s one of those people who will go the extra mile and do the right thing.  It comes across in everything she says and does.  She’s also one of life’s ducks.  As calm as anything on the surface, working crazily hard underneath.

And that’s not all.  Kathryn has talent oozing out of every pore, she’s been asked to photograph the Prime Minister, the BBC Proms, London 2012 and the Henley Regatta.  Oh, and she takes the most mouth-wateringly gorgeous photos of food,  images you could eat.

So, what did we do?  Well, we talked and talked and talked, and worked out what Kathryn really needed to say to her vast array of clients, but also what they wanted to hear.   We worked her personality through every strand of her site, so that no matter which page people visited they got a taste of who she was and what she could do for them and their business.

The result is still a work in progress, but as I write, nearing completion.  Of course, the site looks stunning, filled with beautiful images and the words, well, they speak volumes.  They form an authentic, genuine connection between Kathryn and her clients, whether they’re running the country, having a baby or saying, “I do”.

“I have worked with many content creators over the years and Rhiane certainly stands out as the creme de la creme. Her natural way with words is outstanding, and her ability to cut through my rambles and put them so beautifully flowing and eloquently is quite something.   I honestly couldn’t be more delighted with the results.”
— Kathryn


After School Activities


A Sprinkling of Stardust